
The network HVIGasTech is focused on the exchange of knowledge among young researchers in the field of gasification, supported by scientists and engineers from the partner institutes that reflect a wide spectrum of competences in experimental and modeling research on gasification processes from lab to pilot scale. The scientific work to be delivered under the HVIGasTech will contribute strongly to the objectives of the EU energy policy.

Education and training of young researchers that will continue their scientific and engineering career in gasification, working on the development and improvement of gasification technologies to be integrated in circular economy technologies and energy supply systems is the major objective of HVIGasTech. The cooperation aims to create an environment of interdisciplinary exchange between young scientists and engineers at world-class infrastructures with different TRL-levels from lab-scale to pilot plant. Early stage researchers are trained in this structure to become a new generation of creative, entrepreneurial and innovative researchers and engineers that have a deep knowledge of gasification and its application as an enabling technology for a carbon neutral economy.

The promotion of young scientists through this well-defined and organized exchange program, based on elements offered by HVIGasTech as well as by the participating research institutions  and universities, is fixed as a superior objective of the research cooperation. The research policy aims to sustainably link European research institutions to create a framework for scientific exchange and cooperation.